Dominating The West

Sean Klauer

(425)772-7910 Cell

(866)379-0228 Toll-Free Fax


An exciting addition to the Pac-West team of marine professionals, Sean joined us in January of 2017.  Sean brings experience with both Sales, and Support, from his time at HO Sports/Hyperlite Wakeboards.  Being an avid boater, Sean enjoys all facets of boating from wakesurfing, wakeboarding and water skiing, - to fishing and diving.  Growing up lakeside in the Pacific Northwest, Sean has the practical experience in operating and working on watercraft of all types.  In addition, Sean graduated with a sports industry internship, while completing 2 majors including International Business, and Business Administration, from the University of San Diego.  

Based in Southern California with responsibilities throughout California and the Southwest region, Sean is focused on the Distributor Sales Force and our Dealers, promoting and supporting your brand.  This extends to improving digital and marketing content.     


Pac-West Marketing

10556 Combie Rd. Suite 6218
Auburn, CA

(800) 346-6474 toll free
(866) 379-0228 toll free fax

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